Billy Catches Big Bass…and plenty of ‘um
I’m Billy Anfield and Donny Adair, President of AAHA is my cousin. We act more like brothers. It’s how we were raised. Last year we celebrated fishing together for 50 years. While we didn’t get out as often as we wanted to, it was a golden year. As you will see from viewing some of the pictures, Central Oregon, the Snake River impoundments in the eastern part of the state and the Columbia River, is good to us every year.
When we were very young my dad William (Bill) Anfield and my grandfather A.C. Adair took us fishing throughout Western Oregon. I can remember traveling Highway 30 west toward Astoria. We fished from the bank at Prescott, West of Clatskanie at Marshland, Midland, Woodson, Westport, and Brownsmead. We fished for all of the warm water species, such as bluegill, perch, catfish, crappie and large mouth bass. My dad was well known for his skill with a jig fly. He caught thousands of crappies. He could catch fish when nobody else could. Later dad put us in that 12 foot aluminum with a 5 horse power motor and we fished all over Oregon and Washington.
Like my grandfather, I always liked to hook a night crawler on and fish with a bobber (which I still call a barber because it drives Donny crazy). Over the years I have become adept at knowing what kind of fish is biting just from the way the bobber is reacting when the bate is under attacked by a fish. Because I use live bate (often with a jig), I tend to catch the biggest fish. But I have to keep a vigil on Donny out of the corner of my eye, because he will catch a hundred crappies so fast it will make your head spin. If he starts running up the numbers I will switch to jig flies to try to keep up with him.
Fishing is a good source of stress relief for me. I work with people to help them overcome bad lifestyle choices to become successful citizens. My clients often have had substance abuse and criminal activity as part of their past. I always encourage them to get involved in an outdoor sport. Whether it is camping, hiking, fishing, boating or any of a number of outdoor activities; get out there and get away! It will help you to overcome many obstacles in your life.
Thank you for viewing this website. If you have stories and pictures send them to: Donny Adair.
Good fishin’,
Billy Charles Anfield.