About The Founder

I ‘m Donny Adair. I am the founder and President of the African American Hunting Association LLC. I am passionate about outdoor recreation, particularly hunting. I hope that you find something in the pages of this website that will encourage you to join us in one of the most exciting outdoor sports. For those of you who already hunt, maybe you will find some information to enhance your hunting skills, experience and enjoyment.

My story is a simple one. I was born in the northwest city of Portland, Oregon. I was raised primarily by my grandparents. My uncle and my grandfather took me fishing at a very young age and I have continuously angled for warm water species including Bass, Crappie, Catfish, Bluegill and other pan fish throughout my life.

I started hunting when I was in college at the University of Oregon in Eugene in the late 1960’s. Nestled in the Southern Willamette Valley, Eugene is 30 minutes from the Coast Mountain Range and even closer to the Cascade Mountains. There is a mix of farmland in the valley and public and private timberland, which is home to the elusive Blacktailed Deer, Roosevelt and Rocky Mountain Elk, Cougar, Bear and numerous small game species. Waterfowl and Upland Birds are also present. In fact the first pheasants brought to the United States from China were brought to Corvallis, Oregon, which is 20 minutes north of Eugene.

My early hunting experience was short lived but I came back to the sport later in life. I returned to Portland to live and work after college. My two (2) sons were the last of six (6) beautiful children. When they became ages 11 and 12, I took them to hunter education and together we passed the state test. I enjoyed taking the classes so much that I also later took additional classes and became certified as a Master Hunter. Donnell and Kenny are now 21 and 22. You will hear more about them on this site. Donnell, who is about to graduate from the U of O is shotgunner, who loves to hunt waterfowl and shoot trap and skeet. Kenny is great fisherman. We have enjoyed hunting and fishing together almost their entire life.

I have noticed that very few African Americans participate in the sport of hunting out here in the Western United States. I attend hunting and fishing expositions and shows annually. I usually only see one or 2 other people out of thousands of attendees that appear to be African American. Simply put, I think many of my people, both men and women are missing out on a fantastic opportunity for the outdoor experience of a lifetime. Also, because my professional and personal life has evolved around promoting cultural diversity, I want to bring people of all races and cultures together of to enjoy hunting and outdoor recreation. So this website is dedicated to promoting diversity, understanding and respect for all people.

Thank you for checking us out. Please enjoy the website and contact me if you have any questions or thoughts that would help us. For more on “DIVERSITYclick here.

Read Mayor Potter’s Proclamation 9/10/08 here

See the Video Presentation here

Donny (donnyadair@yahoo.com)

The mission of the African American Hunting Association, LLC (AAHA) is to increase the number of African Americans and urban residents living in the United States involved in hunting, game management, shooting sports and conservation.

The AAHA supports the rights of all Americans to hunt for food and for sport. The AAHA believes that hunting is a legitimate endeavor. The AAHA supports the rights of individuals to own and use firearms and other weapons in accordance with the Constitution of the United States and all applicable federal, state and local laws. The AAHA invites everyone who support the mission, goals and objectives of our organization to participate with us regardless of their individual race, ethnicity, national origin, gender or sexual orientation. All are welcome to join AAHA.

The AAHA will work to promote better understanding and acceptance of the sport of hunting at the local, regional and national level. The AAHA will increase involvement of African American individuals and families in hunting and associated outdoor sports such as camping, hiking, fishing, biking, photography, etc. The AAHA will increase the opportunity for African American hunters to obtain state of the art or the best hunting equipment each hunter can afford. The AAHA will provide increased opportunities for African Americans to hunt locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.